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Causes of psoriasis Drgarcia Biomagnetism

Causes of psoriasis Drgarcia Biomagnetism Dr Garcia Biomagnetism
Have you ever wondere about the origins of psoriasis, a skin condition that affects millions worldwide? Psoriasis is believed to stem from a combination of genetic predisposition and an overactive immune system response. This causes skin cells to multiply rapidly, leading to the characteristic red, itchy, and scaly patches that can appear on the skin's surface.

While the exact trigger remains unclear, factors like stress, infections, and certain medications can exacerbate symptoms. Understanding the underlying causes empowers us to manage and mitigate its effects. As we delve deeper into the intricate mechanisms of this condition, let's foster empathy and support for those living with psoriasis. Together, we can raise awareness, share knowledge, and enhance the lives of those affected. 💙🤝
Enhance the quality of life for those living with Psoriasis through Biomagnetism Therapy


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