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Lyme Disease Facts: Shedding Light on a Stealthy I

Lyme Disease Facts: Shedding Light on a Stealthy I Dr Garcia Biomagnetism
Knowledge is power, and when it comes to Lyme disease, understanding the facts is crucial! May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month, and we're here to arm you with important information about this stealthy intruder.

Did you know that Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is primarily transmitted through tick bites? It can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender, and its signs can range from a characteristic "bullseye" rash to fatigue, joint discomfort, and neurological issues.

Share these important facts to dispel myths and misconceptions surrounding Lyme disease. Together, we can raise awareness, assists safety, and support those affected by this challenging illness.

⇒ The best way to protect yourself and your family against Lyme disease, and other tick-borne illnesses, is to reduce your exposure to ticks and consult a nearby Biomagnetism practitioner


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