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Safeguard your furry family from Lyme Disease

Safeguard your furry family from Lyme Disease Dr Garcia Biomagnetism
Lyme Disease in Pets: Safeguard Our Furry Friends

Attention, pet parents! May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month, and it's vital to safeguard our furry companions against this tick-borne illness. Let's dive into the world of Lyme disease in pets and learn how to keep our four-legged family members safe.

Lyme disease can affect dogs, cats, and other animals, just like it does humans. Ticks can transmit the bacteria to our pets, leading to signs such as lameness, joint swelling, fever, and lethargy. Our pets rely on us to safeguard them, so let's take the necessary precautions.

By sharing this information, we can raise awareness about Lyme disease in pets and empower other pet parents to take proactive measures. Let's keep our furry friends happy, healthy, and tick-free!

⇒The best way to protect yourself and your family against Lyme disease, and other tick-borne illnesses, is to reduce your exposure to ticks and consult a nearby Biomagnetism practitioner.


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